Simple﹢ hotel將人文藝術透過跨界交流。
Simple﹢ hotel將人文藝術透過跨界交流。

The journey of freedom, starting from Forward
Inheriting the concept of "Sincere, Pragmatic, Steady, and Quality Requirements" of FAW Group and the swallow theme of FAW Group's visual identity, FOC Taipei takes a pair of free flying wings as the trademark concept, which is full of dynamism and visual depth. The shape of the image presents the image of the wings preparing to take off, implying the hope of the traveler taking business travel as the starting point. The trademark identification design also incorporates the prefix "F" of "Forward" in it, so as to establish the relationship between the trademark and the English name of the viewer, and increase the impression and recognition of the business travel identification.
Forward Hotel Taipei-Songjiang
Rooms & Suites
Hotel News
2025台北燈節 02.02(日) - 02.16(日)
2025台北燈節官方網站 https://2025lanternfestival.travel.taipei/
因環保新政策,台北馥華商旅集團2024年9月1日起,提前響應不主動提供一次性備品,客房內僅提供沐浴乳、洗髮乳, […]